Thursday, October 31, 2019
Hospitality Company Annual Report Analysis Essay
Hospitality Company Annual Report Analysis - Essay Example mple; Wyndham owns and operates over 15 of the biggest hospitality brands and hotel chains in the world such Howard Johnson, Days Inn, Travelodge, Ramada International and Wyndham Hotels and Resorts among others. As a whole the company has divided its business operations in three distinct segments: a) Lodging-by franchising hotels in the economy, mid-scale and upscale as well as extended stay categories of the lodging industry. The company also provides hotel management services for full-service hotels worldwide. Through their franchising agreements the company provides nightly bookings for their franchisee hotel owners through promotion of brand awareness, global sales promotions, ensuring customer service and satisfaction as well as upholding brand image. A large percentage of the revenue from this most profitable segment comes from franchise fees based on a percentage of gross revenues, royalties, as well as service and marketing fees. Another important source of income in the lodging segment is management fees that are collected under management contracts which offer their customers all the benefits of their global branding as well as all management, marketing, financial as well as booking and reservation services. The company also earns revenues from the Wyndham rewards program, when a participating customer stays at one of our hotels. b) Vacation Exchange and Rentals-The company affiliates themselves with developers and owners of vacation properties to allow owners of intervals to exchange their ownership stake for other intervals or leisure services within our network of vacation exchange business participants. This segment derives its revenues mostly from annual membership dues and exchange fees for members trading their intervals. c) Vacation Ownership- develop, market and sale and financing of VOI (vacation ownership interest) for prospective customers. This business segment provided some of the highest revenues for the company in 2010. Wyndham
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Crime Prevention Essay Example for Free
Crime Prevention Essay Introduction Throughout my project I will be referring a retail shopping centre in tralee, kerry.The shopping centre trades between 8.00 am and 07.00 pm, six days a week and 10.00am to 5.00pm on Sundays I ahave decided to do this project on this centre as it is the only shopping centre located near my home aslo I chose thi centre as I am very familiar with it. Functions of notebook entries: * To record matters which cannot be entrusted to memory. * Make entry for each working day. * To provide a permanent personal record of hours of duty and work done. * To record instructions, incidents and messages * Fill out the top of your report clearly and completely as needed * While doing your rounds Be sure to take notes in your field notebook. Do not use your memory. Make sure to take Note the times, Dates and any persons involved if necessary. * Remember your notebook may be used in a court of law as evidence or to assist you when testifying. Use it only for its intended use. * The retail shopping centre was built in 2004 . The shopping centre employs ten security staff to cover its 90000 sq. ft. area. There is a purposely built security office with all the latest cctv monitoring systems. Uniforms for security are simple such as black trousers, black shoes and white shirt. A high visibility jacket will be supplied for car park duties there are over a 1000 free parking spaces. The only equipment a security guard will carry on them at all times is a two way radio system for communication purposes with the control room and co workers. Inspections * Security personnel who guard entrances and exits must thoroughly screen people and packages to make sure no unauthorized items or individuals go where they shouldnt. Surveillance * Closely monitoring their assigned location be it static or patrolled, allows security guards to spot suspicious behaviour and prevent problems, including illegal activity. Enforcement * A variety of tools help security guards enforce the law and rules, including communication devices like radios, monitoring devices like security cameras, detection devices like scanners and defensive instruments like batons. Emergencies* When emergencies occur, security guards are often responsible for directing people in the area to safety, contacting emergency responders, attempting to determine the source of the problem and containing the threat. Law * As an employer you are required to manage safety and health at work so as to prevent accidents and ill-health. * The law requires employers to: * Carry out a risk assessment * Identify the hazards * Prepare a written safety statement * Section 20 provides that every employer must have a written safety statement based on the hazards identified and the risk assessment under Section 19 and setting out how the safety, health and welfare of employees will be secured and managed. When preparing a safety statement, account should be taken of the general principles of prevention set out in Schedule 3 to the Act. * Safety statements must be specific to the place of work and must set out ââ¬â * The protective and preventive measures taken and the resources allocated to safety, health and welfare, * The hazards identified and the risks assessed, * The plans and procedures for dealing with emergencies or serious and imminent danger, in compliance with Sections 8 and 11, * The duties of employees as regards safety, health and welfare at work, and the requirement for them to co-operate on those matters with their employer and any person who has responsibility under the relevant statutory provisions, * The names and, where applicable, job titles of persons assigned to perform tasks pursuant to the safety statement, and * The arrangements for the appointment of safety representatives and safety consultation at the place of work in compliance with Sections 25 and 26 and the names of any safety representatives and/or safety committee members. * Assessing the risks in your workplace * This is how to assess the risks in your workplace: * Identify the hazards. * Decide who might be harmed and how * Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions. * Record your findings and implement them * Review your assessment and update if necessary. Risk assessment process: * To identify the hazards: * talk to staff to learn from their knowledge and experience, and listen to their concerns and opinions about health and safety issues in the shop; * look at the accident book, to understand what previous problems there have been; * Walk around the shop, the stockroom and all other areas noting what might pose a risk, taking HSE guidance into consideration. Also consider occasional activities, such as changing light bulbs; * Write down who could be harmed by the hazards and how. * For each hazard, write down what controls, if any, were in place to manage these hazards. These controls were then compared to the guidance on HSEââ¬â¢s website. Where existing controls are not considered good enough, write down what else is needed to be done. * Discuss the findings with staff, display the risk assessment in the staffroom and make it part of the induction process for new staff. Decide when the actions that were needed will be done, and who will do them, and tick the actions off as each is completed. * Review and update the risk assessment every year or straightaway if major changes in the workplace happen. The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005: * Represents a modernisation of our occupational health and safety laws and it sets the scene for achieving further improvements in the national record on safety and health over the next few decades. * Its primary focus is on the prevention of workplace accidents, illnesses and dangerous occurrences and it provides also for significantly increased fines and penalties aimed at deterring the minority who continue to flout safety and health. * One of the aims of the act is to encourage a responsible attitude on the part of both employees and employers. * Duty of care: legal obligation imposed-requiring that safety standards are upheld ââ¬âto ensure people are not injured by actions or failure to act. Duties of employees * Comply with health and safety legislation, both in the 2005 act and elsewhere. * Take responsible care to protect his or her own safety. * Co-operate with his or her employer or any other person as necessary, to assist that person in complying with safety and health legislation as appropriate. * Correct use of protective clothing and any other protective article or substance where necessary. * Not be under influence of an intoxicant at the place of work. * Not engage in improper conduct or other behaviour such as violence, bullying or horseplay. Hazards and risks * Hazard is the potential to cause harm; risk on the other hand is the likelihood of harm * A hazard is a situation in the workplace that has the potential to harm the health and safety of people or to damage plant and equipment. * Risk is the likelihood that a person may be harmed or suffers adverse health effects if exposed/come into contact with a hazard Some groups of people are particularly vulnerable to hazards: * Young workers, have higher accident rates. * Pregnant women. * People with disabilities. * New or inexperienced workers * Workers who have recently changed roles or jobs. Risk control: is the process of implementing measures to reduce the risk associated with a hazard. The control process must follow the control hierarchy, in order, as prescribed in some health and safety legislation. It is important that control measures do not introduce new hazards, and that the ongoing effectiveness of the controls is monitored. Safety statement Safety statement is the name given to a document that outlines how a company or organisation manages their health and safety. It is a report of all hazards and risks found in the workplace. An account of the controls taken or planned to be taken to control them. A Safety statement is required by law unless the employer employs less than three people. Employers have ultimate responsibility for safety and health. The safety statement should begin with a declaration, signed at senior, responsible management level on the employerââ¬â¢s behave. The declaration should spell out the policy in relation to overall safety and health performance, provide a framework for managing safety and health, and list relevant objectives. That the safety statement will be revised as changes occur and evaluated at set intervals; how the relevant contents of the statement are to be brought to the attention of employees and other people in the workplace who might be affected by the statement. Stress in the workplace Stress is any action or situation (stressor) that places special physical or psychological demands on a person. There are two types of stress: eustress and distress. Eustress is a good stress and appears to motivate and inspire . Distress is considered as bad stress, and can be short-lived or long-term. Stress is often described as a mismatch between the demands of work, family and living and of coping with these demands. Stress can be positive ââ¬â when it motivates us to get something done ââ¬â or negative when we have too many demands and constantly feel under pressure. Bullying in the Work Place The 2005 Act provides that employers carry out risk assessments at their place of work in the preparation of a safety statement. This assessment should also include the risks associated with bullying. The definition of bullying is Repeated inappropriate behaviour that undermines your right to dignity at work. It can encompass verbal bullying, physical bullying or otherwise and it may take different forms such as social exclusion and isolation, damaging someones reputation by gossip or rumours, intimidation, aggressive or obscene language or repeated requests with impossible tasks or targets.Whilst there is no specific legislation that deals with bullying in the work place the Health and Safety Authority have issued a code of practice for employers and employees on the prevention and resolution of bullying at work. Conclusions and recommendations: Overall I was impressed with the level of professionalism that is in the shopping center . Security personnel within the premises have very good procedures and should continue this. The security officers have access to the latest technology including CCTV with spinning domes. They use these to great use for crime prevention and should continue to do so . the staff are very good at identifying hazards and protecting customers as a result of this the retail center will be successful for yearts to come.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Evaluating Value Congruence in the Work Place
Evaluating Value Congruence in the Work Place Abstract This study re-examined the impact of personal and organizational values congruency on positive work outcomes and investigated the extent to which this relationship is affected by demographic variables. Data collection was used to validate those findings, lending additional credibility to the continuing importance of this phenomenon. Both personal values congruence and organizational values clarity were significantly related to commitment, satisfaction, motivation, anxiety, work stress, and ethics using a cross-sectional sample of managers from across the same organization set up. Gender, educational level, and functional area did not impact these relationships, although years of experience did make a difference to the finding on the final research processes being done. The term value congruence is generally intuitive when there is a match between employee and organization value systems, positive outcomes will result if the work ethics is put into order. This article will explain the benefits of value congruence, and show you how you can put value congruence to work in your organization. Introduction Acording to (Schein 2004 pg 535) Values are a critical elements of the organistional culture and leadership impacting both individual and organisational perfomance; it is tenadertively radicle that an organisation succeed in the global competetive arena without coherency of core values. Subatntiating on performance, brought about by advancement and tecchnolically advancement, professional networking and gglobolizatin mosst organisations require to cordinate to acquire relevant amrket share, customer demand for quick and quality services has imlicated how organistions does busness. With these essence each company creates and potrays it image and gudge by the customer on value received. Watson et al (2004) also argues that value congruence model is predominant research approach to the idead of personal and organisational fit. In the merit of values companys essential should absorb the banding concept and analyse judgement of want customers in the target market view them and impacts to the society. Customers rate sevices depending with the moment of truth when they purchase and consume a product or service. At such a juncture, customer-employee relations become a vital element for longterm benfit for both parties. On the othe hand (Barry Z Posner pg 536) relents that values are so deep seated tha nobody actually see values themselve manifest in opinions, desires fears and ttitudes whileenvisaged as pesonal, professional, organisational or societal. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Reseach questions What effect does value congruence has in an organisation? How do values congrunce impact the cutomer-employee relations What are values congruence positive outcomes Both individuals and organizations have value systems that dictate their attitudes, behaviors, and the ways in which they allocate resources. Value congruence occurs when the value system of an employee coincides with the value system of an organization. Job satisfaction is a positive emotional experience associated with ones job. Satisfied employees are more productive and experience less stress than their employers. Organizational identification (branding) derives from an employees sense of belonging to the organization. Employees who feel like they belong are likely to be more committed to the organization, more productive, and more likely to engage in extra role behaviors helping behaviors that go above and beyond the duties of an employees position. Intent to stay is an employees intent to remain with the organization over some period of time. Intent to stay is contingent upon both job satisfaction and organizational identification. Although the link between value congruence and positive organizational outcomes has been firmly established, until recently it was not clear why this process takes place. Rather than directly causing positive outcomes, value congruence primarily leads to positive outcomes through the enhancement of communication and trust between the organization and the employee. (Impact of value congruence on customer employee-relations)Value Congruence affects Positive Outcomes Globaisation has widened up business transactions around the world, transfrer of skills and mixture on human cultural and socail attivities plays a major role at organisation operational leves.Demand for quality skill by employers and higher renumeration by emloyees inpacts to the product and service development to the customer. Motivtion quality trainings and retreats specifically with clear job descriptons negates perfomance in orgnisation. However, organsaitional politics and environmental policies might cause indifference among employess. Relaibility and cosistency on professionalism critically vandalised the basic approach to achieve organisation goals. Most employees perormance can be based on many years of experience and values e.g communication skills, analytical skills and interpersonal skills which constitute ability to achieve organisational targets and improve shareholder value.,At atermost moments training and skill addition by employees canbe consistently high at the ex pense of the employer, However in a similar study by Berlin Erogam Robert Linden (2004) argues that both private and public organisation exeriences financial dificulties thus find it hard pay employees achieve career in terms of increases in terms of pay or upward movement in the hierachy.this is critica as most of organisation companies are facing challenges e.g inflation rates, global warming and economical challenges When the value congruence between an employee and the organization is high, there tends to be high levels of trust and communication between the two parties. In many cases employees will show positive results when they receive managers boost and motivation which is practically how one manager develops a good rapport with the general employees. Ones values is determined by how one approaches his or her work. A good employee always (what determine perfomance is the level of customer satistfaction and motivation) makes sure that his or her performance at work is excellence. But contrary to normal work some employees need to be pushed in order to do the right thing. This entirely depends in ones attitude towards the job or the administration of that organization.(this document relates to organization outcome/Evaluate) It is paramount (this word means otherwise in relation to the pargraph) for any organization to find value addition to their work and also ways to motivate their employees in order to achieve positive results for their company.(is this a recommendation or suggestion) Values have been associated with job satisfaction, organizational commitment, flexibility to accept changes whenever it is instilled to an organization, job performance which is a replica of the effort being applied. (Crollick, 2004)-refrence and page Vibrantly organisation requires or must comprehensive reseach and embrace organisation culture ie internal gap bridging in basing communication elements, trainings, runmeration and capcity building) It is important to know (who to know) the role of values (what is the role of vlues or wat values) in the growth of the organization so that strategic solution is set to meticate any side factor which arises if such values are not placed in their right place. Values are the core of who really people are, thus if you master their needs at work place and fulfill them without struggle then definitely you will have passed the first hurdle towards work satisfaction. Some of the most critical decisions made by a manager determine the relationship between customers and the employees.(the lelement of roles and responsibilty in decision making, organisation structure) Good manager(is this a one mans task?) impacts positive virtues to the employees which lead to positive outcome at end. Values are moderate tests that show the general flow of growth and development of an organizational set up and a determinant for a company to measure success and profitability level over a given period of time, usually it is an annual forecast for any organization to carry out their internal assess of their performance. (Should be at introduction) paragraphs shoul be short and pricise This depends on the kind of working conditions given the resources are equitable to the kind of work an organization is doing. Managers acts as the planners and value setters thus the employees are just the final implementers of what is supposed to be done to meet their respective targets. (These require proof so quote at list an author and bring in the agument element of study) Practical Implications In various parts, ethnic orientations play a major rloe and afects employee relationsValue congruence (is about competency within the organisation and creates a strong corporate image, win market share through strardized positioning and quality diffrentiation. It also builds stakeholder value-prctical: profitality via archievd targets, trainings, good pay, education sponsorship, employees retreats, engaging in professional bodies) can be utilized to increase positive outcomes such as job satisfaction,(its not about employees rather customer satisfaction: also require a quote) identification with the organization, and intent to stay with the organization. There are several strategies that managers can use to maximize positive outcomes (VERILY REPEATED) that result from value congruence. Value congruence can be addressed during the hiring process (How? Then should have touch on Job discription). Match applicant value profiles with those of the organization in order to select employees with good value fit to the organization. Socialize new employees toward the cultural values of the organization.Ã Incorporate organizational values into new employee training and reinforce them throughout the on boarding period the extended process of assimilating new members into the organization. For current employees, focus on strategies(which strategies?) that directly impact trust and communication: Increase trust by being honest with employees about organizational and supervisor decision-making processes, ensuring that processes such as performance appraisal and distribution of resources are perceived as fair(reference pg 6-above first paragraph). Increase the benefits that result from good communication by ensuring frequent and open communication between management and employees, and among employees themselves. (Require quote from the scholars/refrence) Value congruence ACT as a concept for organisation growth in a competetive environment calls for exhobiarnt skills that should be adopted at the job interviews, internships etc) Throughout various stages (like? Be specific?) of employment, value congruence is a useful concept that managers can leverage to improve positive outcomes for both the organization and employees alike. When the values represent different organizational units, value level can be determine the extent to which a successful merger (this means different) can take place between the units Similar effects can demonstrated when comparisons are made between the values of an organization and those of its members. In such cases, value level has been found to indicate overall happiness and satisfaction with the organization. It has also been significantly correlated with employee performance, commitment intention to remain with the organization, and actual turnover increases. When the values being considered are those of potential employees or applicants, evidence suggests that congruence with the values of an organization will influence whether individuals choose to join that particular organization for the better output capacity. Therefore, this issue has relevance for research on the broader issue of an individuals fit with an organization. Additional processes can be examined by comparing values or sets of values across different time periods. Because an organizations culture is reflected in the collective values of its employees cultural change can be assessed when unit or organizational values are compared across two or more points in time.(inter departmental competiveness) Furthermore, when values at each of these points are compared with the values of potential agents of such change e.g., having new management, a different generation of employees, etc. the locus of change can also be investigated. Similar issues can be explored at the individual level. That is by comparing the values of employees across different points in time can indicate their degree of socialization. As with organizational values, sources of socialization can be examined by comparing employee values at these points with the values of potential socializing agents. (Cooper, 2007) (change and change reistance) It is also appropriate to compare values or sets of values between individuals. Research has shown that value congruence between employees and their supervisors is significantly related to employee satisfaction and commitment ratings of employees, and supervisors consideration, success, and competence. Interpersonal value congruence is even thought to be an important factor in determining whether peoples lives will be altered by chance encounters with other Despite its wide applicability, there is a surprising absence of research on how value congruence should be conceptualized and measured. The present study examined a number of such issues not previously addressed in this literature. Some have used unsquared indexes, whereas others have used squared indexes. Each of these approaches makes a different assumption about the dynamics of interaction. An unsquared index assumes that a unit difference in values is equally influential regardless of the overall level of value difference. A squared index gives greater proportional weight to large unit value differences and is consistent with a theory that assumes that individuals dislike large discrepancies between expectation and occurrence, but actually react positively to small discrepancies of this type. A final issue that has not been treated in previous value studies is the potential for spurious association inherent in certain indexes of value congruence. Johns points out that the type of indexes used to measure value congruence can be highly correlated with their component value measures. Thus, an index of value congruence between a supervisor and a subordinate e.g., subordinates value score minus supervisors value score could be highly correlated with the subordinates value score. Given such a high correlation, if the index was related to subordinate satisfaction, it would not be clear whether this relationship was attributable to the effect of value congruence or the direct effect of the subordinates value level. In such cases, the relationship can be clarified by statistically removing the effect of the subordinates value score from the congruence index. This study examined four major issues in the measurement of work value ethics: The effect of different methods of constructing value congruence indexes, the use of general versus specific value measures, the use of actual versus squared indexes, and the effect of correcting indexes for correlation with their component measures. Significance of Co-Worker Value Congruence The lack of research in many cases undermines the proper investigation on the subject of workers relationship with one another. Thus, increasing popularity of team based organizational structures. That is why work ethics is important for the employees to make them work in any environment which is conducive and receptive for them. These reasons in general derive from literature on group and interpersonal behavior and research on value congruence, as it is being expounded further in the work. (Asumption)The senior executives in many cases pay very little attention to the values and beliefs of lower level employees as the former incorrectly believe that peoples culture, organization culture. The findings are helpful to managers as it illustrates that organization members attach values to the organization as a whole, but also to subunits of the organization. Human resource generalists can also gain from the study findings (which studyor by who and does it apply anaway?) as it builds on the common practice of socializing new employees through planned socialization tactics. (Gray, 2005) However, there has not been any focus in the literature on whether congruence could change during individuals tenure with the organization and if certain events could alter congruence.(a recmendtion/suggestion/you view) The findings from this study suggest that value congruence is not fixed and that events perceived to change an employees sense of congruence can have behavioral implications. For a company in an industry as dynamic as commercial airlines,(is this an examlple?) understanding how events could decrease employees sense of congruence should have paramount importance. There are also implications for human resource generalists predictions for employee attrition. The findings (why arent you quoting authors if this is desk data?) supporting multiple types of value congruence indicate that employees may determine congruence based on very different criteria. In making changes to organizational characteristics, caution must be given to not altering characteristics that may be important to employees values. (Albrecht, 2010) Literature Review The following approach is used to come up with the best information in regard to this shift of events. In this approach, individuals have more positive attitudes simply because they interact with similar others, rather than because the organization or leader provides conditions that allow opportunities for value fulfillment. Although most research to date has examined the sharing of attitudes or personality characteristics, the role of value congruence in interpersonal heterogeneity may in fact be of more importance. Values may be defined as beliefs about the way an individual ought to behave. As such, values represent core beliefs about what should be done, and are related to a broad network of more specific beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes. Because values are linked to modes of behavior, individuals are better able to predict the behavior of others with whom they share values . Likewise, individuals with congruent values should have greater agreement about what behaviors are important in the workplace Ambiguity and tension associated with working together should be reduced, thus increasing satisfaction and potentially enhancing performance on routine tasks of the type under study here. It provides partial support for these proposed relationships with their findings of relationships between co-worker goal congruence and satisfaction and withdrawal behaviors. Individuals with congruent values also have a common system of communication. This tends to facilitate interactions by decreasing communication noise and reducing stimulus overload. Value congruence may also affect how often people choose to communicate with each other. (Malphurs, 2004) found that similarity in age and tenure was positively related to frequency of communication, and this effect may well extend to value congruence. Alternatively, value congruence may reduce the need for communication in the workplace. As noted earlier, it increases the predictability of the behavior of others and fosters agreement about what behaviors are important in the workplace. Increased predictability and agreement may actually decrease the need for communication in the process of task accomplishment. Value congruence may also affect interpersonal relationships through its influence on the perception of environmental cues. In a study of perception, (Williams, 2002), found that individuals work values had a significant impact on their interpretation of environmental stimuli. It is therefore likely that employees with congruent values will place similar interpretations on events in their immediate work environment. Given (relating to) the relevance of environmental cues for understanding individuals attitudes and reactions in the workplace, such shared perceptions could remove important sources of disagreement between employees and further facilitate their interpersonal interactions. Given that research has to date not found entirely consistent effects in the domain of group composition or value congruence, the presence of moderators in the relationships between congruence and work outcomes must be considered. It is essential to note that work outcomes extend beyond quantitative measures of productivity to also include performance dimensions important to the organization, such as supervisor ratings of work habits, job-related attitudes, attendance, and coming to work on time.(basing on org perfomnce) With regard to the outcomes of attitudes and withdrawal behaviors, the literature tends to be somewhat more consistent than for performance, however, much of the similarity-attraction research was performed in the short-term environment of the laboratory. In particular, for these types of outcomes, we might expect that value congruence may not have a uniform effect over time. (Dunn, 2005) Value Congruence, Work Attitudes, and Attendance One reason for this wide scope of operation is that values are relatively enduring constructs that describe good virtues of individuals as well as organizations in their own set up. Thus, depending upon the source of various value measures, their comparisons can apply to a wide variety of individual and organizational level phenomena including intra organizational power, cultural change, organizational restructuring, recruiting, socialization satisfaction, interpersonal relationships, work culture and turnover. When the values or sets of values being compared are obtained for different levels of the same organization, value congruence can indicate which organizational units posses greater amounts of power and which are most able to define the critical uncertainties for the organization on a given issue which needs to be tackled before it becomes a great problem in the future prosperity of the organization. Similar effects can demonstrate when the two collateral organizations are made between the values of an organization and those of its members. In such cases, value congruence has been found to indicate overall happiness and satisfaction with the organization. It has also been significantly correlated with employee performance, commitment intention to remain with the organization, and actual turnover. When the values being considered are those of potential employees or applicants, evidence suggests that congruence with the values of an organization will influence whether individuals choose to join that particular organization. Furthermore, it is paramount when values at each of these points are compared with the values of potential agents of such change that can be investigated. Similar issues can be explored at the individual level when the need arises. That is comparing the values of employees across different points in time can indicate their quantity of work depends on the effort and support of than whole organization. (Albrecht, 2001) As with organizational values fluctuates, it is the indicator that one area is not at par with the rest. Thus the need for mutual operation and total revamp of the organization set up so that the sources of socialization can be examined by comparing employee values at these points with the values of potential socializing agents. It requires proper measures to be undertaken in order to cope with the challenges discussed on these research paper. Conclusion The value congruence in these contents is the great determining factor to measure the level of development of an organization. Thus, unless the whole system functions together nothing good can be achieved in any organization. The future of any organization depends on very well set up plan of work which is a blue print to what each one is required to do in a span of time. For any organization that records positive growth their secret lies on the attitude they impart to their employees which includes motivation, good salary pay, conducive work environment, well set goals, achievable targets and honesty employees. Therefore, whenever there is no discrepancy always work is performed to the expectation of the employers. Value, thus value congruence is a germ which species up the positive results of an organization. The study, therefore affirms that there is a crucial need for a value congruence to determine the performance level of an organization. In that a positive results comes with the effort applied on value addition measures being mastered across the organizational set up. The emphasis is in how the value congruence in the work place is achieved using the available resources both human and financial resources which are the driving force towards the achievements of the goals.(introduction) Methodolgy The information given in these research have put it out well how the value congruence plays a major part in the development of any successful company depends entirely on the management team and all the employees working together for the betterment of their organization without any group dragging another well function body. Thus, it has sent ices on the positive virtues that are required in order to achieve the positive desired results on the organization. The exercise requires a dedicate team of employees who have positive attitude towards their work and the good relationship they have cultivated together with the senior management and the entire organization as a working entity. This is aspiring to produce best results by creating a decent work environment among their workmates. The best thing that any individual employee can over to the organization is nothing less than the expansion of the organization to create more employment to many people to improve the living standards of all people.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Antwone Fisher :: essays research papers
Antwone Fisher à à à à à Director: à à à à à Denzel Washington à à à à à Producers:à à à à à Randa Haines à à à à à à à à à à Todd Black à à à à à Casting:à à à à à Robi Reed-Humes *Main Characters:* Antwone Fisher (Derek Luke): à à à à à Antwone not only struggles with getting along with his crew members while serving in the Navy, but also his abusive past as a foster child. Cheryl (Joy Bryant):à à à à à à à à à à Atwoneââ¬â¢s love interest. She is not based on an actual person, but is a combination or interests. Dr. Jerome Davenport (Denzel Washington):à à à à à A naval psychiatrist who Antwone goes to seeking help. Berta Davenport (Salli Richardson):à à à à à Dr. Jerome Davenportââ¬â¢s wife. Mrs. Tate:à à à à à Antwoneââ¬â¢s foster mother that abuses and belittles Antwone while a lad along with his two other foster brothers. *Plot Summary:* Based on a true story, this biographical drama centered around Antwone ââ¬Å"Fishâ⬠Fisher. In the beginning of the story, he was a sailor prone to violent outbursts. On the verge of being kicked out of the Navy for repeated fighting, he is sent to a naval psychiatrist for help. Refusing to open up, Dr. Davenport slyly slips his way into getting Antwone to talk. Antwone eventually breaks down and reveals a horrific childhood with neglect and abuse. With the help of Dr. Davenport, he is able to face his past and strive for success to find the family he has never met. At the same time, he is able to turn his life around and change it dramatically. In the end, he is reunited with both his fatherââ¬â¢s side of the family and his mother who has abandoned him. *Climax:* After Antwoneââ¬â¢s graduation from his Japanese courses, Dr. Davenport explains that he no longer can see him for psychiatric help, and that he cannot always depend on him being there. Antwone then feels a feeling of abandonment not only by his family, but also by Dr. Davenport who has been there for him through many tough times. He then decides to change his life around and move on headstrong. *Conflict:* Antwone Fisher was a man who has trouble being a man because he can't stand strong. He can't stand strong because of the weight that was placed on him growing up in an environment where everyone told him he was worthless. Eventually, Antwone is able to grow and flourish, because like any tree that stands tall and strong, he finds that he has roots, and they run very deep. Antwone Fisher :: essays research papers Antwone Fisher à à à à à Director: à à à à à Denzel Washington à à à à à Producers:à à à à à Randa Haines à à à à à à à à à à Todd Black à à à à à Casting:à à à à à Robi Reed-Humes *Main Characters:* Antwone Fisher (Derek Luke): à à à à à Antwone not only struggles with getting along with his crew members while serving in the Navy, but also his abusive past as a foster child. Cheryl (Joy Bryant):à à à à à à à à à à Atwoneââ¬â¢s love interest. She is not based on an actual person, but is a combination or interests. Dr. Jerome Davenport (Denzel Washington):à à à à à A naval psychiatrist who Antwone goes to seeking help. Berta Davenport (Salli Richardson):à à à à à Dr. Jerome Davenportââ¬â¢s wife. Mrs. Tate:à à à à à Antwoneââ¬â¢s foster mother that abuses and belittles Antwone while a lad along with his two other foster brothers. *Plot Summary:* Based on a true story, this biographical drama centered around Antwone ââ¬Å"Fishâ⬠Fisher. In the beginning of the story, he was a sailor prone to violent outbursts. On the verge of being kicked out of the Navy for repeated fighting, he is sent to a naval psychiatrist for help. Refusing to open up, Dr. Davenport slyly slips his way into getting Antwone to talk. Antwone eventually breaks down and reveals a horrific childhood with neglect and abuse. With the help of Dr. Davenport, he is able to face his past and strive for success to find the family he has never met. At the same time, he is able to turn his life around and change it dramatically. In the end, he is reunited with both his fatherââ¬â¢s side of the family and his mother who has abandoned him. *Climax:* After Antwoneââ¬â¢s graduation from his Japanese courses, Dr. Davenport explains that he no longer can see him for psychiatric help, and that he cannot always depend on him being there. Antwone then feels a feeling of abandonment not only by his family, but also by Dr. Davenport who has been there for him through many tough times. He then decides to change his life around and move on headstrong. *Conflict:* Antwone Fisher was a man who has trouble being a man because he can't stand strong. He can't stand strong because of the weight that was placed on him growing up in an environment where everyone told him he was worthless. Eventually, Antwone is able to grow and flourish, because like any tree that stands tall and strong, he finds that he has roots, and they run very deep.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
More Than Just Race
More Than Just Race: Being Black In The Inner City William Julius Wilson Chapter One Synopsis In this Chapter, the author introduces his backstops and the way people react around him despite the fact that he Is a Harvard professor. Many of the residents in his bullying get nervous because he Is black when he rides the elevator with them. However, despite the fact that he Is discriminated against when he Is out of his suits, he states that he cannot blame them for being nervous around him.Due to the criminal and violent history that African Americans have today, as well as the media arterial of African Americans, many people get a pre conceived racist notion of how all black males are. Wilson thoroughly explains that because of the changing society, racial Inequality has continued. ââ¬Å"In the last several decades, almost all of the Improvements In productivity have been associated with technology and human capitalâ⬠(Wilson 182). Although the changes in the work force have bee n helpful to higher skilled workers, they have made finding Jobs for lower skilled workers almost impossible.Because of the segregation in housing, schools are also segregated and African Americans do not receive the same education that whites do. The fact that African Americans are restricted to communities that have higher unemployment rates, and lower education opportunities, blacks suffer at a disproportionate rate. The culture already instilled into inner cities, racism continues to prevail. ââ¬Å"Culture is closely intertwined with social relations in the sense of providing tools and creating constraints in patterns of social interactionâ⬠. (Wilson 319).Chapter Two Synopsis In this Chapter the author describes ââ¬Å"structural forcesâ⬠that have made an impact on the black community. He discussed forces that were influenced by race and those that still had an impact on the black community nonetheless. In the late sass's there was very little discussion about the ch allenges inner city blacks faced. The lack of public awareness of the challenges inner city blacks face has contributed dramatically to the declining neighborhoods and the huge gap between race and income between inner city ghettos and urban areas.The Second Migration from the South to the North in 1970 was put to an end because of the decline in employment in the inner city. Because of this migration, areas that were once greatly populated by grants were left almost completely abandoned by the employed middle class. Cultural forces as well as Structural forces play important roles in understanding the effects of living in poor segregated areas. Although culture is a major part of the outcomes inner city blacks face, they are nothing near the impact political forces in combination with economic forces produce in the inner city areas.Structural forces on poverty stricken areas have a much greater significance than cultural forces. Chapter Three Synopsis In this Chapter, the author ex plained that even though both structural and cultural explanations restrict African American male progress, structural explanations of the economic downfalls of low skilled African Americans play a much larger role than cultural explanations. The computer revelation in today's Job market has decreased the demand for low skilled employees and has restricted African Americans males from finding employment in Jobs that in the past would offer them positions.The growth of service industries has also put a holt in the availability of employment to black males because of the demand for workers with education and at least a small amount of skill. Service industries only offer Jobs that require workers to serve and relate to customers. Black males have a difficult time getting into this type of industry because often times, employers believe that women and ââ¬Å"recent immigrants of both genders are better suited than black malesâ⬠. The employers beliefs that women are better suited t han back males comes from the high violence rates in the inner city ghettos.Because of these violence rates, employers view blacks negatively. This violence also played a major role in the legal system and resulted in the higher incarceration rates of black males. Because of these forces, both cultural and structural, the demand for employment of low skilled black males has become increasingly lower, especially for the ones who have prison records. Chapter 4 Synopsis In this Chapter, Wilson discussed the downfalls of poor black families. In a study collected about poor families, it was found that in the U.S. Poor families tended to be ran by black woman and 31% of all poor households were ran by young black women. Account for only 12% of the United States population. Willow's study of family life in Chicago revealed that marriage has declined at a much faster rate among young, unemployed black fathers than it has for young employed black fathers. However, findings from research did not find a string correlation between employment and rates of marriage. In the case of marriages among black cultural influences trump structural ones.Studies also revealed that responses between employment and marriage among poor women, despite race remain similar. Just like in all previous chapters, the segregation of inner city blacks, as well as the issues of Joblessness and lack of opportunity, continue to play a great role in all aspects of African Americans lives. Chapter 5 Synopsis In this Chapter, Wilson sums up all his findings to create a conclusion on how to unite both structure and culture in order to create a more equal society.Cultural patterns in the inner city ghetto relate to informal rules that shape how people act with one another and make decisions. The decisions made in the inner city ghettos often correlates with the way inner city residents view the way the world works. Residents of the ghettos find ways to adjust and respond to such negative racial economic segregation. These ways develop into the regular behavior that many urban students view as repulsive, influencing their racism even further. Structural patterns play a greater role in the suppression of African Americans as well as other people of color.Political powers also play a role in the segregation of minorities, and even though there are some policy makers who are dedicated to ending the problems of race and poverty, they still face many challenges. It has become extremely important to discuss how the issues of race and poverty are viewed in public policy discussions because these reveal so much about our commitment, as a society to change. 20 Most Important Points 1 . The portrayal of black men in the media as well as their rates of incarceration is problematic when employers evaluate the credibility of black males form employment. . As long as the high rates of incarceration and violence persist, people of all races will react to black males in public and private places ne gatively. 3. Structural forces contribute directly to racial group outcomes such as employment rate and differences in poverty. 4. The growth of new technologies in the workplace has changed the demand for different types of workers. 5. The development in use of genealogy in the work place is especially problematic for African Americans because they have a higher average of low skilled workers. . Even before the restructuring of the economy, low skilled African Americans were the last to be hired and the first to be let go. 7. The future of families, especially poor working families, depends on how the government decides to react to changes in the economy. 8. Employers in the service industry feel that consumers perceived inner city black males to be dangerous or threatening. 9. In the past, black males only had to demonstrate strong useless because of the Jobs they were performing (assembly lines, construction, etc).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
City and Farm Life Essay
Comparing and contrasting city and farm life has been a common theme of situation comedies, movies as well as novels for decades. Many people find themselves, at some point, questioning the advantages of living on a farm life to living in the city. While a case can be made for both locations as to which is the best place to live, it is vital to consider how the options, farm life versus city life, are similar as well as different. There are a number of ways to make such comparisons that include firsthand experience of each type of the city and farm living environments. One such contrast is that people living farm lives and those living city lives have different social constructs as far as health and physical activities are concerned. This is as a result of the various social circumstances of the communities in addition to the locations in which they reside. People living farm lives, live a typical farming or country life as compared to those living in the cities (Smith 1). Living a c ity life often has the advantage of sufficient access to health services, recreational facilities in addition to having relatively sufficient health education in comparison to farm life. see more:city life vs country life essay People living in the city have therefore an advantage of health benefits, developed knowledge of physical activities, are exposed to health promotion campaigns in addition to having higher socio-economic status. All these factors have contributed to people living a city lives experiencing superior health compared to those living farm lives (Recomparison 1). Another key issue to be considered in any comparison between city and farm life is the quality of life. People living city lives have many more choices they can make regarding various aspects of their day-to-day lives. For example, people living city lives are more likely to find various kinds of foods and this could probably result in overall good health as there is greater diversity in terms of diet. Moreover, those living city lives enjoy opportunities to take a great number of social events since they always have a long list to choose from. As a result of this, they always have an opportunity to get more cultured and therefore more likely to meet other people from other cultural and ethnic groups. Parents have also many options available for their childrenââ¬â¢s education and can always pick from a long list of both private and public schools, which results in potential for better education. It is also important to note that city life offer their residents the opportunity to choose from a wide range of job options in a number of companies or organizations. On the other hand, people living farm lives do not enjoy same level of choices and in very remote areas one may forced to walk for long distances (Recomparison 1). Another contrast between city and farm life is their surrounding environment. Farm life is often best described as a more peaceful as well as a healthy way of living. For example, farm life offers residents an opportunity to take pleasure in the natural world instead of having to go to places such as parks. Individuals are surrounded by the gifts of nature such as trees, sun, wind, animals, natural cycles etc. Moreover, people living farm lives do not have to s truggle with the every day stresses associated with city life, for instance getting stuck in traffic, coping with high crime rates, and in most cases, having to pay higher taxes. The absence such stressors are known to have a significant effect on the overall quality of life. Alternatively, city life is often portrayed as fast-paced, modern, polluted, and full of work pressure as well as financial pressure (Recomparison 1). On the whole, if there is any testimonial to be made regarding the quality of life in the farm, it is that, there is high probability to connect with the people as well as the landscape. However, one similarity between farm life and city life is that both entail a high level of socialization, even though on a cursory level E-how 1). The discrepancy of what an individual wants and needs has also something to do with where they are to be found. Individuals living a farm life identify as well as prioritize their needs much more than their wants. They are therefore familiar with what is essential for them to live a standard of living further different from others and closer to natural cycles that gives priority to things that are of greater im portance. Their wants are simple and they do not cling to the life they cannot afford. On the other hand, with the attractive as well as the competition inducing advertisements they watch on television along with the peer persuasions that urge them to acquire specific items, one cannot avoid feeling pressured to possess the items. City is therefore more complicated as compared to the farm life (E-how 1). Lastly, a contrast between city and farm life can be seen in the types of housing available. In general, city residents have choices of living in apartments, townhouses and condominium. In contrast, those living farm lives often have housing options that includes mobile homes, single family detached homes in addition to the low-rise apartment building.Moreover; housing is more often than not cheaper for those living farm lives due to decreased demand (Herlihy 1). Conclusion As a conclusion, both city and farm lives have their own draw backs which form the basis of their contrasts. Thus, individuals ought to think carefully before making decisions to live in the city or live a farm life since itââ¬â¢s their decisions that bring differences in their lives.
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